Video Excerpt

Idle Wild

About Work


Idle Wild is an immersive, synchronized four-channel video installation of a hypnotic drive through a nondescript suburban neighborhood. The absence of narrative invites the mind to wander, guided by subconscious desires to interpret the aesthetic contours of the journey and the chance encounters recorded by the camera’s automated eye. The video installation provides a document of a present cultural landscape, bringing awareness to the value system embedded within it. It evokes the spatial and psychological patterns built within these rationalized spaces while creating imaginative shifts in the perception of suburbia.  

Idle Wild is an immersive, synchronized four-channel video installation of a hypnotic drive through a nondescript suburban neighborhood. The absence of narrative invites the mind to wander, guided by subconscious desires to interpret the aesthetic contours of the journey and the chance encounters recorded by the camera’s automated eye. The video installation provides a document of a present cultural landscape, bringing awareness to the value system embedded within it. It evokes the spatial and psychological patterns built within these rationalized spaces while creating imaginative shifts in the perception of suburbia.  



DRILArtCollective ©